Furnace maintenance – what you can do, Part Two

Furnace maintenance – what you can do, Part Two


Last week, we posted some important things you can do to keep your furnace running efficiently and effectively and promised more tips this week. As always, we keep our word, so here are five more tips to make sure you have a happy heating system.


Use ceiling fans

Most people think of ceiling fans as something you need to create a bit of air movement in the summer. But using your fans in the winter is also a great way to help even out your air temperature and save your furnace a little work. That hot air that is being generously provided by your furnace tends to like to hang out in your rafters, and the fans, set to low, work well to push that warm air down.

Plus, they are a great way to entertain your dog.


Watch your humidity level

If there’s one thing anyone from Saskatoon knows, it’s dry winters. Not only is that dryness hard on your skin and your respiratory system (and your wood flooring and furnishing), but it makes it harder to heat your home efficiently. The drier the air in your home, the less heat it will hold and the harder your furnace has to work. Using a humidifier to keep your humidity levels at about 40% will make it easier to heat your home, and might even help you stay healthier.


Seal your garage door

If you have an attached garage, heat loss through an unsealed garage door will be one of the biggest sources of energy loss in your home. Checking for drafts and making sure your door sweep is intact and touching the floor is an important part of making sure you aren’t overworking your furnace.


Decorate well

You might not think about your rugs and window coverings when you think about furnace maintenance, but they are actually quite important. Carpeting and rugs help add a layer of insulation to floors, and window coverings do the same for windows. And if you strategically open your blinds or drapes during the day (to capture the heat of the big ol’ furnace in the sky) and then close them at night to help trap heat in, you will be helping to keep your home well-heated with less energy expenditure.  


Schedule regular maintenance

All of these past eight tips are easy ways to help your furnace work better, but at some point, you will need to bring us in to help. Having us inspect your furnace every year, regardless of how well it is working, will make sure it keeps running effectively. Having one small part that isn’t working properly can put a strain on the entire unit, shortening its lifespan and putting you at risk for furnace failure. Reminder: regular maintenance will save you money in more than one way.


Keeping your furnace happy will ensure you get through more winters without losing heat, and keep more money in your pocket. And with these tips, you can easily improve the quality of life of your heat-producing friend.

Vernon Boldick