Hot Water Woes

There are several reasons why you might not have hot water or water that just isn’t hot enough! After you check the temperature setting on the water heater, more investigation may be required. Although it’s always best to call in a professional for their opinion, let’s discuss a few common hot water situations you might encounter and how to determine what could be going on.  

Hot and cold spurts 

Nobody wants a surprise when it comes to your water temperature. It’s not enjoyable and a terrible way to start your day with short bursts of extreme hot and cold water. Not an ideal situation for a shower!  

Often, this is the result of sediment build-up in your water heater tank. If you have hard water or older pipes, deposits of minerals and particulates can build up so much that they leave less space in your tank for heated water or absorb the heat that your heater generates. While making the process much less efficient, it can also leave your water temperature very inconsistent.  

You should be emptying your tank once a year to help get rid of any sediments that might build up. It is best to have maintenance done by professionals who can ensure the safety of annual flushing. However, if you already have considerable build up, you will need to replace your tank.  

Please keep in mind - if you are experiencing this type of water heating problem, you should take it very seriously. More than just an inconvenience, it can indicate a problem that could get worse (potentially causing a leak, flooding, or even an explosion).  

Hot water runs out quickly 

Sometimes a hot water shortage is simply a case of your water heater being too small for the needs of your household. If you have several family members showering in close succession as well as laundry and dishes running around the same time, then you will probably need a bigger tank. 

If your water heater is the right size for your needs, you may need to replace the element. The bottom heating element is the workhorse, and keeps the water stored in the tank at a constant high temperature, ready for you to enjoy.  

The top heating element re-heats the water near the top of the tank, close to where it will exit, to make sure it is hot enough for use. If the bottom element stops working, you will only have the top few inches of water that the top element has successfully heated. After a few measly minutes, you will find yourself showering in all that’s left – cold water.  

Water never gets hot enough 

As you have an accumulation of debris in your tank, your water heater becomes less effective at heating your water, leading to lukewarm temperatures.  

Check for a break, crack, or dislodging of your dip tube. When your water heater is refilling with cold water to be heated, it does so through a tube that brings it directly to the bottom of the tank. If there is a malfunction with this tube, it can cause the new cold water to mix with the hot water at the top, resulting in tepid water.  

These are just some of the situations you might encounter, and a few of the possible problems that might be causing your water heater issue. Luckily, you have a secret weapon to help you wage war against cold water; the Action Plumbing and Heating team.