If your pump seems to be working overtime, there are several possible reasons why. Understanding these causes can help prevent unnecessary wear on your pump and avoid potential water damage
Read MoreIt’s nearly that time of the year where people are extra particular about their sump pumps, especially when it’s raining. You want to ensure this important piece of equipment is in tip-top shape so it can keep your home dry. What should you keep an eye out for? Keep reading and find out the signs it’s time for a new sump pump.
Read MoreIt’s that time of year that people start being a little “sump pump paranoid” – ears cocked to the slightest noise, especially when it is raining. They strain to hear that motor kick in so they can be sure there won’t be an unpleasant basement surprise in the form of a flood. That sound can be the source of huge relief. But what if you hear it when it isn’t raining? Why is your sump pump running when it’s seemingly dry?
Read MoreAll the snow is melting. Yes, we may get another snowfall or two before we can officially deem winter over, but no matter what, snow is melting. All that spring melt makes a compelling case for a working sump pump. But how do you tell if yours needs to be replaced (before it actually needs to be replaced)?
Read MoreThis week, we want to look at different ways you can improve, and add comfort to your home. Saskatoon sees all kinds of weather, it’s best if your home can be prepared for whatever this province throws at you.